10 November 2011

Day 83... for me...

There are many posts that will probably not make sense to everyone reading here - it's just how it goes.  This writing is for me.  This writing is for those I write too - whether they know it or not.  These are my words.  My space to purge the insanity in my head - to make sense of the puzzles - to breathe. 

Often I am drawn back to old posts, old people and I'm surprised by the intensity of my thoughts, my feelings but I know in my heart is a was only a moment in time.  A place for me to expel the voices in my head in that second - sort it out.  And the words - the very highs and lows of it all - extremes which carry a speck of the truth for sure but the words expand on that in a provoking way - the ordinary so boring.

For those I write my words to - know that I will speak them to you aloud - the sounds echo the pure truth - that my writing is but a small piece of what you are to me - the true essence so much beyond this black and white.  The deeper intensity of it all is vague - needs vocalization not plain type.

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