28 September 2011

Day 40... 3 months!

Three months... exactly three months... that's how long I have lived in Australia.  It seems like I just got here in some ways and in others, well it seems like I've been here much longer.  Way longer.

I'm quite settled, I'm happy, I'm enjoying life and the world around me and am missing everyone back home a little less each day - until they fully enter my thoughts and then I miss them like crazy.  Completely.  I want them all to be here, not to go home but them just here.

I don't miss Vancouver like I thought I would - I think because I came to a place that is so similar... I'm surrounded by the ocean, what calms me - water.  And the sunshine, it's a daily occurrence even in winter which makes everything better.  Even when it rains most of the day you can still count on the sun in between the downpour.

So... here we go - another update after three months... about me, my life now, my world and what it looks like...

I love crossfit... well, it's a love/hate thing really but it's making me better

and I love the photos of the board after a crossfit day - just seeing my name up there and what I (and many others) accomplished that day

I am loving my new home town and have always felt like a resident never a visitor

There are now three places I call home - Perth, Vancouver and wherever my parents are (currently Winnipeg) - Vancouver will always be home

I am stronger now than when I left Vancouver.  I was happy when I left and now I am both happy and confident.  Growing.

I am scared of how long it will be before I see old friends, I miss them dearly

I hate the hours of 2pm-5pm during the week where I'm at work and most people I know back home are asleep

I (surprisingly) miss starbucks... the feeling will only escalate when I know it's pumpkin latte season... (it's pumpkin latte season)

There is a strange obsession here with scented toilet paper...

and there are no stores at all similar to Canadian Tire - I miss that store, the convenience of it all...

I have possums (or rats) living in my roof and it seems like a person is walking up there... small children screaming.

I find it odd that June, July and August are now WINTER... huh?

and that most of the world is currently talking about the end of summer - not down here...

I find it odd that I will have a summer birthday (in November)

I found my happiness before I left Vancouver but in Perth I still have happiness and have found confidence

I am inspired by so many people here, everyday.  The generosity and support and encouragement - both shocking and awesome

People are full of surprises and I like that - losing expectations and going with the flow.

Dating is horrible, I don't like it at all but I'm trying - putting myself out there just to see what might await... who knows, I could be pleasantly surprised, and if not at least I'll have some good stories.  Lots of stories...

and boys are more into calling - actual phone calls - at least the ones from here - texting is left to the boys from elsewhere, the transplants like me - it's a strange distinction and brings out my fear of the phone, when did this happen (I grew up without texts, mobile phones)

I will say yes, always  yes.  It adds to the adventure, the stories.  Everything yes.

Sometimes it's good just to act like a kid again and ages don't matter.  People matter.  Connections matter.  Age is just a number we can't change.

I'm becoming addicted to working out - seeing the progress - getting stronger.  In so many ways...  I am stronger for this adventure - the next chapter of my life. For taking the chance and reaping the rewards...

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