22 March 2012

Thankful Things Thursday...

Things I’m thankful for today (Thankful Things Thursday is something I got from Ali on the Run’s blog)…

-The guys at my regular coffee shop (across from my office) not only know my name but also start to make my drink as they see me coming (flat white thank you very much).  Today it was made for me as I finished paying.  Super sweet!

-My crossfit coaches… they continually are helping me to get better everyday.  Last night I got to do toes to bar (T2B) again and it rocked thanks to the technique tips and feedback I got from Coach Tim during 12.3.  They actually felt easy and I could have probably strung together more than 4 in a row if my hands didn’t hurt so much.

-The body that I have - it’s healthy and now in better shape than ever (probably since my teens) because I have found crossfit and have (easily) adopted better eating habits (without portion control or calorie counting).  The weight is still dropping off without effort and I barely recognize my reflection as I walk down the road - I still think I’m bigger than I am.  I love my body the way it is and what it can do for me - my strength is amazing

-Knowing what I’m worth - it’s a struggle for me since I always see the best in people, can read through their shit but never have had the courage to call them on it.  That’s about to change because I’m worth it - if what I have to say forever pushes someone away then they’re not meant to be in my life.  I am strong enough to stand up for myself but also to walk away and still know that it’s not me who is the problem

-Living in Australia - it’s so far from everything I’ve ever known but the past 8.5 months have been outstanding.  I’ll be going ‘home’ for a visit in July (summer) and I swear I’ll be wearing jeans and a hoody thing it’s cold after all the 30+ weather we’ve had the past few months (I LOVE the heat)

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. You might like this post about being worth it. http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2012/04/im-worth-it.html
