13 April 2012

A reminder...

I'm the girl who:

-drives too fast down a tiny one way street but just can't help herself
-has terrible fears of not having an epic love and growing old alone
-doesn't have many friends but is loyal and faithful to the ones I have an once they're in my heart they are there forever no matter how much time or distance comes between us
-feels more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt but looks pretty damn hot in a dress and a great pair of heels. 
-goes along with societies norms but doesn't quite fit into them
-doesn't belong to cities but rather to the world and can't imagine ever having roots to just one place
-has three places that I call home, where I am now, Vancouver and wherever my parents live
-loves simplicity though I too often cause complications in my external world
-has no musical talent and yet can't live without the sound of it in my life
-loves love hip hop and classic rock yet will always crank up the radio to sing along to the sappy late 80's power ballads that shaped my formative years
-wishes on stars and eyelashes knowing that neither have the capacity to make my dreams come true
-loves domesticity and cooking and cottages and yet I sit at a desk 9-5 monday to friday and finding it both sometimes rewarding and often stifling
-understands how it's easy to give your body away when you don't care about the other though anything but easy when you do
-knows heartbreak and the void of people leaving but has learned through the years that it's not always about me though even when it is I learn and get stronger for the next time
-feels anything worth having is worth taking a bit of risk on
-realises that there are no guarantees in life but sometimes trust is enough with the right person.
-wants a marriage but doesn't think the wedding is necessary though in my mind I can picture the dress I'd love to wear
-is strong and composed but sometimes also completely lost inside and that we're all really the same in this regard
-yearns for love but often finds it hard to let myself *be* loved
-believes there is one other out there for her, that one person that you feel like you've known for years and you choose each other
-thinks that it's better to fight when things gets hard rather than walking away, giving up
-trusts that things worth having are sometimes complicated but ultimately worth it
-believes that sometimes you just have to jump and trust that another person is going to stick with you through the ups and downs and won't walk away even when so many people have walked away before
-is terrified of so many things and yet standing strong afraid to share these secrets
-is full of emotions and curiosity and wonder and my mind never stops trying to 'figure it all out' even though there are rarely any answers
-expects the best from anyone even as I'm constantly let down because of it
-often gets hurt when I open my heart but wouldn't have it any other way
-spent too much time hiding and pushing people away and I don't want to do it anymore
-doesn't want regrets and is willing to take the risks
-wants a person in her life to share moments with, the silliness and laughter, coming and going through time
-loves roadtrips, a fast car, the hwy, windows down and music turned up LOUD
-things that the best part of traveling is the first breath of fresh air when you step off the plane
-enjoys paddling - outrigger, stand up, surfski
-has been single longer than not but I'd rather be alone than to settle for anything less that perfect (for me)
-is an only child and enjoy my independence and space
-loves dusk as the world slows down in that transition from day to night
-dislikes Halloween and New Years
-thinks the sound of laughter is beautiful
-hates wearing shoes
-loves the water but can't really swim
-enjoys playing, revisiting youthful days
-has a strong affection for my bed and lazy mornings spent in it
-loves a good thunderstorm sitting by a fire
-can't pass a used bookstore without going inside and admiring the contents within

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