19 April 2012

Thankful Things Thursday

-New clothes - I dislike shopping but when everything is too big it's a requirement - new dress - size XS?  Yup, I'll take it.
-The cute little lady at the market - every single weekend for as long as I can remember - she's been giving me an extra mango - secretly, it's always hushed when she says "you can have one more" and it always makes me smile.  Sadly mango season has come to an end.
-Knowing and believing in my heart that we only get one (finite) life on this planet and there's no use spending it any other way than happy... you define your happiness - it will change, perhaps daily but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm starting to let go of what I think the future should look like and replace it what today should be like because today is what matters most... every day.
-Olympic Lifting sessions and getting stronger.  Most days, no matter how good or bad they've been are always made better by a good crossfit session and I'm loving learning technique to get even better still.
-Last minute weekend WODs with good friends.  Handstand pushups and handstand walks.  Being able to do pullups in the park and not needing a band.  Love.  Winner buys coffee is the best and only rule.
-Learning to let go - of people specifically... even ones you care deeply about because sometimes it's the only option, I know I can't control anyone but myself and how I choose to feel/be.  It doesn't mean the caring stops though.
-New shoes, and obnoxiously bright pink shoelaces for those shoes.
-Travel plans... they're still indefinite (flights are expensive!) but they're forming and that makes me really excitedly happy.
-I am extremely thankful for electricity.  After 15 hours without it last weekend I was overjoyed when the power company finally came and fixed the line.  It's amazing how creepy a place can seem just knowing you can't turn on a light versus normal every day darkness.  Yes, power.

New Dress/ blurry photo

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