People intrigue me. I find them fascinating and frustrating. Inspirational.
Fascinating because of the power that each of us hold within us. The things we all have the tools to accomplish. And the strength that we carry within us.
Frustrating because at times - with specific people at least - the power and strength is but a dim flicker. The untapped potential left to dry up through the years behind fear and security. A loss of the dreams we had as children to be superheros and other extraordinary beings. When we are young, the sky is the limit and through the years and experiences this flame is slowly suffocated - it's hard not to let it happen as the world can be a cruel and hurtful place - but isn't it the same world we were in a children? A shift of perspective.
Today I challenge you to be bold - do something scary - take a risk - you might just get more than you were hoping for - and if not? Are you really worse off? If it doesn't kill you - or perhaps deeply wound - you'll grow - become that inspiration that we all cherish.
-This brought to you by my struggles with a boy who I've been dating - who has so much to offer but he hides it - doesn't know how to let love in - but has a big heart. He has been hurt too many times - backing off before anything gets a chance to get started because it might now work out - take a chance - life might surprise you... and it's also brought to you by a "date" I went on today - a meeting of a new person more specifically. A very boring and awkward person. Genuine - perhaps but not someone for me. But I took a chance - put myself out there even when I didn't really want to go... and learned something. Funny how life is sometimes.
(I don't actually like this piece - I like the idea but it needs to be re-written - from a more personal perspective - I'm holding back here - typing it out from my journal I can feel this... it's not from my heart, it's in my heart but not yet ready to come out or perhaps because I know certain people might read it I've held back... it's not fair to him to be so exposed. The words I need to say are being written elsewhere for him alone, I hope he sees them one day!)
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