08 October 2011

Day 50... second draft

Needs some more work but a vast improvement over the emotionless drabble of draft one - I'm starting to like this version...  it's getting somewhere.


"...when the heavy, rapid breathing begins to diminish, and you find yourself able to string a few words together that somewhat resemble a sentence, you'll most likely hear yourself saying "that (gasp) was (gasp) awesome, totally fucked, but awesome." ~Tim Marshall 

Totally fucked but awesome.  A lifestyle, a community.  A place to get stronger, build confidence, be better.  The best you can be.  This is Crossfit.  This is my world.  That quote – the one that resonates in my head every workout, every day is from my coach, my friend, my inspiration – Tim Marshall. 

I was lucky to share breakfast by the ocean only a few weeks after arriving in Australia with Tim and a few others and we started talking about dreams of the future.  Bold and scary declarations of what we aspire to be.  Terrifying admissions but I could see the sparkle in Tim’s eye that morning – knew right then in my heart that he would achieve his goal – he would compete at the Crossfit Games – and I won’t underestimate him either – he might someday even win.  I believe in him – believe he truly has the desire, the drive, the confidence to get there, to give it his all.  To be one of the elite.  To be amongst his idols, competing against them.  He quotes times and placings of the likes of Blair Morrison and Ben Smith.  He lives and breathes the games literally from half a world away, watches it all happen in a place he has never even visited.  California dreaming.  He represents all that Crossfit is at just 19 years old.  This kid is going places.

In November 2010 Tim started his Crossfit journey, in January became a coach, a mentor to others.  To me.  He competed in the open in 2011, placed second in the intermediate division of the Primal Throwdown – all of this within six months of beginning this lifestyle.  He is driven, motivated, the definition of passion.

He once had dreams of becoming a professional ice hockey player, and it all changed one fateful day when a friend invited him over to ‘strength train’ on his rings, introduced him to the mainsite and a few WODs later and he was hooked.  His journey started then and there.  He eagerly writes his own WODs on the train to university and Karen, Elizabeth and Murph – back to back to back – merely training for the Primal Pairs with his twin brother.

He embodies everything Crossfit.  There is a sparkle, a little magic in his eyes that I see every time he works out – gets better.  And when he struggles, that’s when the best of him shines through – the determination, the courage, the commitment to get better.  The passion.

His biggest fear is of not measuring up – of not being good enough, the self-doubt drives him to get better every day.  I know however, knew from the moment that he said his dream out loud that beautiful morning over breakfast – that he will get there.  He will be there amongst his idols competing at the Crossfit games.  Look out world, Tim Marshall is coming.

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